Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ten On Tuesday

Today's Letter Is "T"

1. Toast- my nickname and a great breakfast item

2. Toasters- you cannot have toast without them

3. Tender Moments- with my lovely lady

4. Trains- I think they are cool and they keep America moving

5. Tables- of the coffee, kitchen, end and patio variety

6. Text Messaging- one way I stay in contact with my friends and family and more specifically my girlfriend

7. TV- occasionally there are some decent programs broadcasted but mostly it is good for viewing movies

8. Tacos- a particularly tasty item to eat

9. Triangles- I make them out of the stars in the night sky; thank you, babe! :)

10. The Telephone- thank you Alexander Graham Bell

1 comment:

Crayl said...

I am also a big fan of tables,toasters and text messages.
Tremendous list.